The MasterShield Advantage
MASTERSHIELD has an aluminum construction for longevity and structural strength. LEAFFILTER has a plastic structure. This will deteriorate over time due to sun and other environmental conditions.
Advantage: MasterShield
MASTERSHIELD mesh is a copper and stainless steel weave which prevents mesh clogging from mold, mildew, pollen and other debris. LEAFFILTER mesh is only stainless steel which will not prevent the mesh from clogging with moss, pollen, mildew and other organic matter and inorganic debris.
Advantage: MasterShield
MASTERSHIELD guarantees BOTH your gutters and our mesh will not clog. LEAFFILTER only guarantees your gutters won’t clog. They DO NOT guarantee their mesh will not clog.
Advantage: MasterShield
MASTERSHIELD is installed on a slope similar to the slope of your roof. This allows debris to move freely to the ground. LEAFFILTER has only a very slight slope and often debris will rest on top of it creating a debris shelf.
Advantage: MasterShield
MASTERSHIELD copper and stainless steel mesh is glued and crimped in place during the manufacturing process. LEAFFILTER is chalked in place on the job before they put it on your home.
Advantage: MasterShield
MASTERSHIELD will give you a fair price without playing any price drop games. LEAFFILTER will start very high and do multiple price drops. Hoping you purchase at one of these higher prices before they drop to their lowest price.
Advantage: MasterShield
All things considered MASTERSHIELD, clearly has the ADVANTAGE!